We operate in traditional Brazil-Latin America I Latin America-Brazil, US-Mexico | Mexico-US and US-Canada | Canada-US line. Offering excellence in road freight transport in total safety.

Our partners have a young, exclusive and non-transshipped fleet, constantly revised and monitored, consisting of trunks, sided trunks, refrigerated trunks, 2-axle trucks, bulk carriers and bi-trains. They also have their own logistics terminals, operating 24 hours a day in total security in Brazil (São Paulo, Porto Alegre, Uruguaiana and Chuí), Chile (Santiago), Paraguay (Asunción), Argentina (Buenos Aires) and Uruguay (Montevideo), Laredo, Monterrey, Houston and San Antonio If necessary, the service also offers door-to-door operation in destination cities, documentary “consularization”, wide coverage of all risks insurance and service structure – both at the origin and at the border and at the destination, providing full control of the operation.

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